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September 21, 2014- :
Welcome to East Paris Baptist Church!
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Downpour I Part 5
"Pour Out Your Grace, Oh God"
I Grace that Redeems and my Penalty is gone
(Col 1:13-14)
A. Delivered by God's grace
B. Deemed free by God's grace
C. Debt-free because of God's grace
II Grace that Releases and the Power of Satan
is gone (Rom 6:14)
A. Freedom from darkness
B. Freedom from dominion
C. Free to be a disciple of Christ
III Grace that Reconciles and Prejudice is gone
(Eph 2:14)
A. Genuine love for all people and people
B. Grow out of prejudices and stereotypes
C. Give grace and desire all people groups
reached for Christ
IV Grace that Removes my Past and it's gone
forever in the eyes of God (Col 2:13-14)
A. I am not rated on who I was before Christ
B. I am able to allow Christ to shine through
my life regardless of my past
C. I am ready to live the life Jesus died to give me
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