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September 14, 2014- :
Welcome to East Paris Baptist Church!
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Downpour I Part 5
"Repentance Unto Rededication To Revival"
2 Cor 7:9-16
I Real grief over sin (v9)
A. Remorse (Gen 18:27)
B. Restraint (2 Thess 2:7)
C. Revelation (Isaiah 6:5, Luke 5:8)
II Repulsion over my sin (v10)
A. Desire for freedom (Prov 20:9)
B. Determination to remain free (Rom 6:18)
C. Deliverance from God that brings
freedom (John 8:36, Titus 2:14)
III Restitution towards others (v11)
A. Relational challenges (Eph 4:32)
B. Real confession (1 John 1:9)
C. Right Conscience (1 Peter 4:8)
IV Revival toward God
A. Restoration of relationship with God
with intimacy (Rev 3:5)
B. Right attitude of righteousness (Rom 6:18)
C. Remembrance and return of joy
(Psalm 51:12)
V Rededication
A. Moving forward toward Christ and not
looking back (Heb 12:1-3)
B. Mindset is not hung up in the past but is
moving toward the mind of Christ (I Cor 2:16)
C. Mission of God for our lives is no longer
a thought or an occasional occurrence
but is life in itself (Luke 9:23-24)
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