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March 19, 2014- :
God's word tells us that His grace is sufficient in 2 Cor 12:9. Have you ever wondered what that verse really meant or how grace works in the everyday life of the believer? Have you wondered and desired to have a deeper knowledge into the grace of God? Join us as we study through the book of Isaiah and see Gods grace in action through the lives of the children of Israel. This study will also reveal prophecy that has been fulfilled as well as those that are being fulfilled in the time t which we live. The promise of grace that will be extended to the Church in the New Testament age comes with many blessings and promises that we will uncover in the coming weeks and months. This study will enrich your knowledge of Grace but also equip you in every day trials of life to how we can go to God and know that He is there to help us, love us and extend grace to us as we walk this pathway of faith.
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Thy Grace is Sufficient | Part 9
"Thy Kingdom Come"
Isaiah Chapters 11-12
I Prophecy of the Messiah and Spirit (v1-2)
A. Kingdom Priest (v1)
B. Kingdom People (v1)
C. Kingdom Power and Spirit (v2)
1. Spirit of the Lord
2. Spirit of wisdom
3. Spirit of understanding
4. Spirit of counsel
5. Spirit of might
6. Spirit of knowledge
7. Spirit of fearing the Lord
II Position of Messiah as King and Judge (v3-5)
A. Jesus as judge will not rely on man’s approach
to judge (v3)
B. Jesus is a righteous judge and will rightly judge
both the saved and lost (v4-5)
C. Jesus will hand down judgments according to
holiness and perfection (v3-5)
III Peace on earth (v6-9)
A. Animals and all creation will be as it was before
the fall of man the curse was put on everything.
(Rom 8:19-22)
B. A child shall lead them
C. All will be safe and in harmony
D. Apple of Gods eye will re rightly restored
IV People of God will be gathered back together
in Jerusalem (v10-16)
A. Jesus will rule and reign over all Jews and Gentiles
from Jerusalem (v10-11)
B. Jews final pilgrimage (v12, 15-16)
C. Justice and Peace among all nations (v13-14)
V Praise the Lord Jehovah has provided and
fulfilled His promises (Isaiah 12:1-6)
A. Restoration (v1)
B. Salvation (v2)
C. Exhalation (V3)
Enjoying our series Thy Grace is Sufficient (Pastor Donnie Edwards)? Take a look below to find additional sermons in this series.
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