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December 23, 2014- :
Has fear ever gripped you to the point that it felt like a ball and chain? Has your faith been tested lately? If so, how did you do on the test? In this new series by Pastor Donnie �Is God in IT�, we will walk through the book of II Timothy to discover the faith that can conquer our fears. If God is in IT then we should not work or walk out of fear but by faith. Join us as we learn the tools to conquering our fears and walking by faith that the name of Jesus is made famous even amongst great position from the world.
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Is God in IT
Part 3
II Tim. 3:1-17
“Examination Timeâ€
February 23, 2014 am
I People Characterized as worldly and the process to be changed
A. Lovers of themselves replaced by lovers of Jesus (2 John 1:6)
B. Covetous replaced with contentment (I Tim 6:6)
C. Boaster replaced with humbleness (2 Cor 10:17)
D. Proud replaced with humility (James 4:6)
E. Blasphemers replaced with faith with action (Heb 3:19)
F. Disobedient to parents replaced with submission to authority (Titus 2)
G. Unthankful replaced with thankfulness (I Thess 5:18)
H. Unholy replaced with holiness (I Peter 1:15)
I. Without natural affection replaced with godly affections (I Peter 1:13-14)
J. Truce breakers replaced with promise keepers (James 5:12)
K. False Accusers replaced with godly witness (I Tim 6:13-14)
L. Discontentment replaced with Contentment (I Tim 6:6)
M. Fierce replaced with peacefulness (I Tim 2:2)
N. Despiser of good replaced with exhortation (Heb. 3:13)
O. Traitors replaced with being a Soldier for Christ (I Tim 6:12)
P. Heady replaced with Self-control (Gal 5:23-26)
Q. High Minded replaced with renewed mind (Rom 12:2)
R. Lovers of pleasures replaced by becoming lovers of God (II Tim 3:4)
II Pretenders unveiled (v5-7)
A. Appearance of godliness
B. Absence in the faith area
C. Abstain from their appearance
D. At a loss when it comes to the knowledge of the word of God
III Path will lead to the truth and destruction of their hypocriticalness (v8-9)
A. Resist the truth
B. Reprobate in their faith
C. Reveal themselves by their fruits of unrighteousness
IV Proving ground of those who walk uprightly (v10-15)
A. Doctrine
B. Manner of life
C. Purpose
D. Faith
E. Longsuffering
F. Charity
G. Patience
H. Persecution
I. Afflictions
V Protector of truth (v16-17)
A. Foundation of truth
B. Firmness in defending and delivering the truth
C. For the enriching, equipping, and engaging of Men unto good works
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