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November 2, 2014- :
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God’s Not Dead | Part 3
"How To Become An Apologist"
Acts 17:15-34
I Lordship of Christ must be settled in the
believers heart and have a right
understanding of who we are in Christ.
A. Who we are in Christ (1 Peter 2:9)
B. What we can do in Christ (John 15:5)
C. Where we can go in Christ (Acts 1:8)
II Learn the doctrinal truths of God's word
and how to rightly divide them and defend
them. (v22-30) (2 Tim 2:15)
A. Study thyself approved
B. Searching the scriptures for truth and rightly
dividing the word
C. Standing against apostasy, false doctrine,
III Love those whom you are witnessing and
sharing with that are in opposition unto
salvation. (v31) (I Cor 13:2)
A. Love of God is what brings men to
B. Love them where they are not for where you
want them to be
C. Love will cover a multitude of sins
IV Lean on the Holy Spirit for wisdom,
discernment, dialogue and the decision
they will make (v32) (Luke 21:15)
A. Discernment comes from the Holy Spirit
(Luke 12:12)
B. Demons and deception will have no power
over you if you are filled with the Spirit
(Luke 21:15)
C. Dialogue and defense can be controlled by
the Spirit if we trust Him to take over and
depend on Him to do it through us.
(I Peter 1:13)
V Leave those who want to argue and fight
and not listen or reject what is being taught,
while leading those who are willing to
listen and follow (v33-34)
A. Cast not your pearls among the swine
(Matt 7:6)
B. Carry the gospel forward but know there
will be persecution and trials (Matt 10:11-33)
C. Caring the cross for each believer is their
suffering and sacrifice for the cause of
Christ that the truth might prevail.
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